Messeplatz, Basel, Switzerland

Facial Emotion Intensity Rating Task – Congruent and Incongruent (FEIRT-CIC)


The FEIRT-CIC comprises four negative basic emotions:

  • Anger
  • Disgust
  • Fear
  • Sadness

The chosen intensities of the emotional facial expressions (from the Facial Expressions of Emotion - Stimuli and Tests Set 1 are based on the results of a study we conducted 2).

Subjects are asked to rate the intensity of the specific facial emotion, either of a female or a male face. Each emotional expression is presented four times in a row. In one of the four presentations, the mentioned emotion corresponds to the emotional facial expression (congruent condition), whereas in the other three presentations the name of the emotion does not correspond to the emotional facial expression (incongruent conditions).

Congruent condition

Incongruent condition


Total contrast score is the difference between the mean score of all congruent ratings and the mean score of all incongruent ratings.

Emotion contrast score is the difference between the mean score of congruent ratings of a certain emotion and the mean score of incongruent ratings of this certain emotion.


The test is self-explanatory and programmed for iPad (also suitable for iOS, Android, PC).

Administration time

~ 10 minutes



Demo version

With the following link, you can start the demo version of the FEIRT-CIC: Start demo version

More information about the FEIRT-CIC can be found in Literature

  1. Young, A., Perrett, D. I., Calder, A., Sprengelmeyer, R. H., & Ekman, P. (2002). Facial expressions of emotion: Stimuli and Test (FEEST).

  2. Chiu I., Gfrörer R.I., Piguet O., Berres M., Monsch A.U., Sollberger M. "Now I see it, now I don't": Determining Threshold Levels of Facial Emotion Recognition for Use in Patient Populations. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2015;21(7):568-72.